Bay Area

Why I Ride: Richard Cutler


I ride in honor of all the women in my life who have endured the challenges of cancer and have been a great inspiration, I will be participating in Wheel to Survive, a 6 hour indoor cycling event, to raise money to help The Clearity Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization that supports women [...]

Why I Ride: Richard Cutler2023-01-11T06:33:30+00:00

Why I Ride: Adrina Phipps


I ride because I humbled by loss.  My dear friend, and often my partner in (many) "crimes", Sarah Shema, lost her "kick ass", "take no prisoners" battle with ovarian cancer almost 3 years ago.  I think about her often and miss her very much. The Wheel to Survive event is an event that I [...]

Why I Ride: Adrina Phipps2023-01-11T06:33:31+00:00