Why I Ride

Why I Ride: Richard Cutler


I ride in honor of all the women in my life who have endured the challenges of cancer and have been a great inspiration, I will be participating in Wheel to Survive, a 6 hour indoor cycling event, to raise money to help The Clearity Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization that supports women [...]

Why I Ride: Richard Cutler2023-01-11T06:33:30+00:00

Why I Ride: Adrina Phipps


I ride because I humbled by loss.  My dear friend, and often my partner in (many) "crimes", Sarah Shema, lost her "kick ass", "take no prisoners" battle with ovarian cancer almost 3 years ago.  I think about her often and miss her very much. The Wheel to Survive event is an event that I [...]

Why I Ride: Adrina Phipps2023-01-11T06:33:31+00:00

Why I Ride: Megan Little


My mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in August 2013 and then again in January of 2016. Thankfully, she is in remission. My mom loves going to spin class, and she told me about this event and how excited she is to attend. I want to do this event for her, as a [...]

Why I Ride: Megan Little2023-01-11T06:33:31+00:00

Why I Ride: Lauren Brigance


I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2014 and am so lucky to have recently celebrated two years in remission!  Since I started feeling better, I have been looking for a way to help other people going through the same thing and I finally found it.  I am so excited to be able [...]

Why I Ride: Lauren Brigance2023-01-11T06:33:31+00:00

Why I Ride: Tracey Blumrosen


My sister Lauren "Lolly" Kugler was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer at the age of 37. She had many surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. She fought it all with such grace and dignity. She passed away on December 26, 2012 at the age of 42, leaving behind her 10 year old daughter, [...]

Why I Ride: Tracey Blumrosen2023-01-11T06:33:31+00:00

Why I Ride: Lisa Hurst


As you can see, this year I am riding in FLORIDA!!! Our first ever FL event will be a 4 hour indoor cycling event to raise money to help women batting ovarian cancer today and to provide research dollars for a cure. 100% of the money I raise will go to fund these [...]

Why I Ride: Lisa Hurst2023-01-11T06:33:32+00:00

Why I Ride: Brenda Hilsberg


I am riding in memory of my dear cousin, Shirley Levine, who, sadly, lost her battle with Ovarian Cancer. Shirley was a beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin and friend who was loved by all and left us way to soon. Family was very important to Shirley and she was instrumental in [...]

Why I Ride: Brenda Hilsberg2023-01-11T06:33:33+00:00

Why I Ride: Dennis Payton


One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year. One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 women this year. Sadly, 70% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will die from the disease. There is no reliable early detection test available for ovarian cancer. These women are [...]

Why I Ride: Dennis Payton2023-01-11T06:33:33+00:00

Why I Ride: Jody Pflanzer


I believe in living life to the fullest   I am riding to support all women because we need to stick together. We never know what life will present us and many of us have lived so much of our lives in support of others putting our own dreams aside. When we finally realize [...]

Why I Ride: Jody Pflanzer2023-01-11T06:33:34+00:00

Why I Ride: Eileen Swenson


One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year. One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 women this year. My friends Kathy and Toni are no longer with us.  Both women fought hard - so hard.  They both were outstanding professional women. Over achievers indeed. Kathy [...]

Why I Ride: Eileen Swenson2023-01-11T06:33:34+00:00