Meet some of our riders and find out why they ride!
Why I Ride: Stacey Krone
I am riding in honor of my mom, my HERO, and her Battle against Ovarian Cancer. In October 2010, my family’s world was devastated [...]
Why I Ride: Jody Pflanzer
I believe in living life to the fullest I am riding to support all women because we need to stick together. We never know [...]
Why I Ride: Linda Bezner
I ride because in November 2003, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. At that time, the only person I had ever heard of that [...]
Why I Ride: Lauren Brigance
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2014 and am so lucky to have recently celebrated two years in remission! Since I started feeling [...]
Why I Ride: Tracey Blumrosen
My sister Lauren "Lolly" Kugler was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer at the age of 37. She had many surgeries, chemo and radiation [...]
Why I Ride: Lisa Hurst
As you can see, this year I am riding in FLORIDA!!! Our first ever FL event will be a 4 hour indoor cycling event [...]
Why I Ride: Megan Little
My mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in August 2013 and then again in January of 2016. Thankfully, she is in remission. My mom [...]
Why I Ride: Alan Yonack
As you may know, Sheryl and I have been actively involved in this organization since Day 1. Our dear friend, Helen Gardner (pictured with [...]
Why I Ride: Colin Mansfield
One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year. One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 [...]
Why I Ride: Danielle Queller Lifton
I ride in memory of my beautiful and courageous mother, Stephanie, who lost her fierce battle with ovarian cancer at the age of 60. I [...]
Why I Ride: Richard Cutler
I ride in honor of all the women in my life who have endured the challenges of cancer and have been a great inspiration, [...]
Why I Ride: Carla Watson
I am a cancer survivor. My cancer was not ovarian cancer, but it could have been fatal; I was one of the fortunate ones. [...]
Why I Ride: Dennis Payton
One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year. One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 [...]
Why I Ride: Brenda Hilsberg
I am riding in memory of my dear cousin, Shirley Levine, who, sadly, lost her battle with Ovarian Cancer. Shirley was a beloved wife, [...]
Why I Ride: Megan Lowrey
I received the most devastating news this year from the sweetest, kindest, most generous, loyal and loving person I know. My best friend of [...]
Why I Ride: Yvette Fantham
OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS - 70% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will die from the disease. And there is no reliable early detection test available [...]
Why I Ride: Adrina Phipps
I ride because I humbled by loss. My dear friend, and often my partner in (many) "crimes", Sarah Shema, lost her "kick ass", "take no [...]
Why I Ride: Marcy Kammerman
I ride for my friends and their loved ones. I ride for Kathy Mansfield who lost her life to this disease. I ride for [...]
Why I Ride: Eileen Swenson
One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year. One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 [...]
Why I Ride: Alexandra Washington
I’m riding in honor of my grandmother, Herta Behm (pictured here), who lost her battle with ovarian cancer in May 2010 at the age [...]
Why I Ride: Jordi Miller
My mom, Carol Golden Miller, passed away February 4, 2005 from ovarian cancer. I ride in honor of her and to support ovarian cancer [...]
Why I Ride: Gary Gardner
The picture on my page is of Helen and myself on one of our first dates. I was 15 years old and she was [...]
Why I Ride: Bernice Bach
We are never too old to make a difference! I am riding for the fifth time in Wheel to Survive in honor of my daughter-in-law [...]
Why I Ride: Missy Quintana
My mom is a 16 year ovarian cancer survivor and I've participated in Wheel To Survive in her honor since 2014. After a clean [...]
Why I Ride: Atila Ali
Roya Ali I’m riding in honor of my cousin, Roya Ali, who lost her battle with Ovarian Cancer in January 2016 at [...]
Why I Ride: Jessica Aviles
I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children, 2 boys and our newest addition, a baby girl, born December 2015. My Mom was [...]